IPS Programs to Build High-Performance Organizations
Can FUN and High Performance coexist in Serious Organizations?
Absolutely! If there is no room for FUN in your organization, you may not be reaping your people’s potential and achieving the highest possible organizational ROI. Below are programs and tools to create serious, high performance, and FUN organizations.
Committed to Your Growth
- Coaching and Leadership Programs
- Alliance Building
- Appreciative Inquiry
- Leading Change
- Future Search
- Meeting Facilitation
- Merger Integration
- Strategic Planning
- Certified to Lead Situational Leadership II®
The Practical Neuroscience of Leadership
Great leadership is the key to a high performing organization. This program provides leaders with the foundation for great leadership, using a unique, neuroscience-based approach to unlock skills for effective communication and enhanced team engagement.
Participants gain tools to increase productivity with motivated employees who understand clearly defined objectives and expectations. They also learn to establish safe, supportive and stimulating environments, where work can be fun and engagement is a way of life leading to overall performance excellence. The Practical Neuroscience of Leadership workbook is included.

Strategy Planning & Organization Direction
Assemble the organization’s leaders for a strategic planning session focused on achieving participants’ vision of the organization’s ideal future. The involvement and participation of stakeholders are critical to tapping into organizational knowledge and creating pragmatic outcomes that will be readily adopted with broad organizational ownership. Participants discover “What has created past success,” Dream “What will be achieved,” Dialogue on strategies and tactics to achieve the Dream, and finally, Design the plans going forward. Using methods of appreciative inquiry, future search, and open space, participants customize a process to build plans and commitment and are left energized for implementations.
Builds upon the methods described in strategy planning & organization direction, with the addition of tools like the organizational cultural inventory, to define the desired future work environment and create initiatives to transform the current culture(s) into the stakeholders’ ideal culture.

Creating Opportunities in Turbulence & Chaos
Participants discover how to capitalize on challenges and upheaval to create opportunities and tap into the stakeholders’ knowledge and experience to plan future actions. This program leverages concepts described earlier in strategy planning, organization direction, and culture development, along with additional processes to define a course of action for providing new offerings in a challenging marketplace.

Executive Coaching Following Program Delivery
Leaders need support and encouragement to achieve FUN. High-performance organizations and IPS services go beyond the presentation. As Monty has had exposure to you, your people, and your business/organization, it is frequently helpful to have him continue working with your organization’s leadership to foster retention and implementation. Coaching with definitive outcomes and time horizons is available to help you achieve success through your peoples’ success.

Team Skill Training
- Strategic & Tactical Business Planning
- Communications
- Decision Making
- Conflict Resolution
Team Building
High performing teams thrive when they leverage the strengths of individual team members for maximum effect. IPS team-building experiences begin building high-performance teams with a neuroscience-based approach to identification and affirmation of each team member’s strengths. Team members also discover the value of FUN and utilizing the human capacity to create, innovate and successfully implement.
Activities teach processes for forming teams, dealing with the evitable “storming” phase, the creation of norms, and building strategies and tactics for enhanced performance. Whether held in a meeting room at your location or hiking in Monty’s Rocky Mountain location, teams walk away from this experience, ready to work synergistically and achieve peak performance.

People Development Programs
- Coaching
- Communications
- Customer Service
- Facilitation
- Presentation
- Selling
- Effective Presentation
- Facilitation & Teaching
Participants learn by teaching in this highly interactive session. As they develop and deliver a presentation, they leverage the energy of their bodies to enhance the projection of content and discover techniques for engaging audiences by aligning with participants’ preferences for taking in and processing information. Participants learn how to develop critical messages and practice the use of various media to support presentations.
They practice skills to address questions effectively. Finally, participants take away unique techniques for closing the presentation to leave their audience feeling ownership of the material covered. Each participant leaves the session with an effective presentation ready to deliver to an audience and the necessary tools to replicate the process in the future. The program has its own workbook.
Influencing and Selling Skills
Participants learn to gain commitment in this program consisting of four modules: Understanding Self and Person to Influence, Understanding Perspective & Needs, Addressing Perspectives & Needs and Achieving the Commitment. The modules expand on preparations to influence, engaging the client, understanding client needs, summarizing needs, listening for motivators, presenting based on audience preferences for taking in information, handling questions and objections, and closing with tangible plans.
This program is full of opportunities for practice and role-playing, and whether the objective is increased sales or influencing audience opinion, participants walk away with a step-by-step action plan to achieve that objective. The program has its own workbook.